Migramom- konferansen 2024: Hvordan kan innvandrermødre høyere yrkesdeltakelse i de europeiske land?

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Foto: Christina Wocintech, Unsplash.

Researcher Elisabeth Ugreninov fra NOVA, Centre for Welfare and Labour Research

Oslo Metropolitan University:

Newly arrived female immigrants often find themselves in a vulnerable position in the labour market due to lack of the formal skills, limited host-country language skills, and cultural background differing from the mainstream norms This intersection of conditions often serves as bases for a higher rate of discrimination among female immigrants. Introduction programmes for immigrants aim to increase their host-country knowledge and subsequently to increase labour market inclusion.

Recent research has shown limited effect of introduction programmes in achieving this aim, and lately, such programmes have turned towards a faster implementation which may be at the expense of a healthy and long-lasting inclusion in the labour market. Thus, many female immigrants start working in occupations where few formal skills are required and consequently having poor employment and earnings prospects.

There are many pathways to employment of female immigrants, this presentation raises the question: how can policies ensure a healthy and long-lasting inclusion?

The Migramom-project: Partners from five European countries have developed six learning modules that are freely available for teachers and others who wish to help strengthen immigrant mothers' competence in digital skills, life management skills, and more.

8.30 Registration, coffee/tea
9.00 Welcome - MiA/Euromasc
9.10 Presentation of The MOMDIG project - Project Partners: MiA, Euromasc, Soleterre/Piano C, MDP
9.40 Interactive Dialogue with the Participants
10.00 Break
10.15 Elisabeth Ugreninov, Researcher at NOVA, Centre for Welfare and Labour Research, Oslo Metropolitan University: Fast-track to employment - the other side of the coin
10.45 Panel Dialogue:
- Note Norwegian teaching, Karense Foslien
- The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration, Grorud borough in Oslo (NAV Bydel Grorud), Sadia Bashir
-Somali Women's Self-Help Group (Somalisk selvhjelp kvinner- SSK), Sulekha Awed
-The Human Rights Academy (Menneskerettsakademiet), Elsa Yohannes Samuel
- MOMDIG project partners, who will share their experiences of working with immigrants and refugees in Belgium, Italy, Norway, Spain and Slovakia.

11.45 Lunch Break
12.05 Concluding Remarks, Evaluation - MiA, Euromasc

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