Literature, feminism and gender

Nadifa Mohamed and Ladan Osman in conversation with Hedda Lingaas Fossum

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Arrangert avLitteraturhuset

Feminism is a central element to both Nadifa Mohamed and Ladan Osman in their writing. Mohamed’s most recent novel, The Orchard of Lost Souls, tells the stories of three different women in a civil war-torn Somalia. Osman’s poetry collection The Kitchen-Dweller’s Testimony earned its title from just that traditionally female sphere of house and home, and examines experiences of the body and of being a woman and a minority in public and private spaces. The conversation will be moderated by literary critic and editor of feminist magazine Fett, Hedda Lingaas Fossum.

English Nadifa Mohamed and Ladan Osman in conversation with Hedda Lingaas Fossum Wergeland Litteraturhuset Somaliske dager. A Nation of Poets

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