From hatred of Jews to hostility of Muslims

The political function of otherness. Lecture by Shlomo Sand.

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Arrangert avLitteraturhuset

The Saladin Days 2012 The political function of otherness. Lecture by Shlomo Sand.

In 2008, writer and Professor at the University of Tel Aviv, Shlomo Sand, published the book The Invention of The Jewish People. Here, he takes a closer look at the historical foundation for the Jewish-Israeli identity, claiming that the foundation for the Jewish-Israeli nation is constructed, like many national identities before it.

In this lecture, written for these Saladin Days, Sand asks what the role of difference is in our own identity: why are we so concerned with what separates us from others? And why is ethnic and religious hatred such a prominent feature of our close history and current time?

Litteraturhuset Wergeland

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