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20 Years with Livingstone

Petina Gappah in conversation

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Of course two white men are the protagonists in one of the most mythologized episodes from colonial Africa, and most will recall Henry Stanley’s words to David Livingstone: «Dr. Livingstone, I presume.»

Twenty years ago, critically acclaimed Zimbabwean writer Petina Gappah became obsessed with the story of David Livingstone. In her new novel, Out of Darkness, Shining Light, Livingstone’s cook Halima and the freed slave Jacob tell the story of when sixtynine men and women brought Livingstone’s body from the African inland to the coast, so he could be buried in British soil. Why twenty years with Livingstone? Gappah will talk about myths and obsessions at Litteraturhuset.

Petina Gappah has had to postpone her visit to Oslo until June 10. We are looking forward to welcoming her back to Litteraturhuset in June!

Petina Gappah in conversation Litteraturhuset Wergeland English

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