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The Saladin Days 2011

History, religion and reconciliation in the Middle East

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History, religion and reconciliation in the Middle East

March 7-9 2011, The House of Literature will host the International Saladin Days for the third year in a row. Some of the foremost writers and intellectuals from the Middle East will discuss the events around the founding of the state of Israel in 1948. Could a common perception of history create a foundation for future reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians? During the program, we will also see a discussion, between religious leaders from Islam, Judaism and Christianity, on whether – and how – faith might be a tool on the road to reconciliation.

The International Saladin Days were first held in 2009, after an idea by the Norwegian writer Thorvald Steen. They are supported by the Norwegian Ministry for Foreign Affairs. This year, for the first time, Saladin Days will be held also in Stockholm and Istanbul, inspired by the Norwegian event.


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