
Berner is a medium-sized, informal, and flexible space located in the basement of the House of Literature.

Picture of the Berner Hall in the basement of Litteraturhuset, with a portrait of Mia Berner on the wall
Photo: Kristin Svanæs-Soot

This welcoming space is located in the basement of the House of Literature. The walls are lined with the book collection of Mia Berner, who was a philosopher, sociologist, and author. The collection was donated to the House of Literature after her passing in 2009, and visitors to the room will notice a portrait of Berner.

Berner can be rented in combination with one or more of our other halls. We arrange for direct transmission of audio and video on a large screen.

About the Room

  • Icon of a stair indicating a floor levelU. floor
  • Icon of the people indicating the capacity of the room24 – 100 pers
  • Icon of simplified screen indicating aspect ratio130


  • Standard rate: 9 000 kr
  • Discounted rate: 6 500 kr

Note: 25% VAT is added to the rate for organizations and businesses that are VAT-registered. The price list is adjusted on January 1st each year.

Bilde av rommet Berner på Litteraturhuset


Debates, conversations, launches, quizzes, social events, and more.


The room has a projector and screen, sound system, and a stage area (not elevated). It is well-suited for streaming.


Berner-kjelleren has a permanent setup with café tables and chairs for 64 people, which can be supplemented with rows of chairs to accommodate up to 100 people. For an additional cost, the room can be rearranged with only rows of chairs, long tables, horseshoe-shaped tables, or classroom-style setups.

The ceiling height is approximately 2.2 meters.

Video production and streaming

Litteraturhuset offers professional streaming of events, and/or audio and video recording.

Technical equipment

Technical requirements must be specified at least one week before the event. A complete list of technical equipment is available upon request.

Other needs by arrangement.
*Requires the rental of a technician from Litteraturhuset.


NB. Please note that the standard setup in the Basement is a café table arrangement.

For an additional fee, it can be set up with rows of chairs, long tables, a horseshoe setup, or classroom-style seating.

Café table setup with rows of chairs behind
Standard setup with café tables and additional rows of chairs at the back: 100 people
Café table setup
Standard café table setup: 64 people
Long table without stage: 96 pax
Long table with stage: 80 pax
Horseshoe with conference tables: 34 pax
Horseshoe with large tables: 24 pax
Classroom with conference tables: 50 personer
Classroom with large tables: 30 personer

This is happening in Berner

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